One week into a Table Tennis adventure, Andy Hutzel hits the road
Feb. 24, 2013
Hope all is well with everyone and hope to see you all soon. Another day at the office, Andy and his VW Eurovan I've been in northern California for five days and played at the following clubs.
The Sacramento TTC, Wednesday night round-robin. I was placed on table #2 in the sixth of seven positions. Top player on table #2 was just over 2000, he won the table and will move to table #1 next week. I held my position by winning against the last player on our table. Friendly players, with various styles. Scott Gordon a 2000 hard bat player was #2 on our table, we went five games.
The Folsom TTC (north/east of Sacramento) was open play on Thursday night in a sports complex similar to the Anchorage AT&T building, except much more noise. Several basketball courts were in use, an indoor scocor game was being played, while tweleve tables were in use. Lighting wasn't the best, however players had various styles. Great place to train on focusing.
After playing at Folsom Club drove to Fremont, California to stay with my old hard bat friend Bob Palgon. Bob and I earned 2nd place in the hardbat open doubles at the US Nationals several years ago. Since arriving in Freemont Bob set a difficult training schedule.
Friday morning we went to the Indian Community Center (ICC) around 11 am, and watched Tim Wang (US Men's Champion) train. The ICC has 22 tables and several were being used by young talented players for training. We played until around 1:30 pm then off to....
the I TTC north of Berkeley. It's a farily new club with seven tables, rubber floor and a robot. Played at this club for approximately one hour before heading to the Berkeley TTC. Round-Robin night with 29 tables being set up. Once again I'm on table #2 in the sixth position. Barely won a match over the number 5 player, but lost a close five game match to the number seven player. Berkely club has wood floors, great lighting, and fairly new tables...worth the five dollars to play.
Saturday morning up around 7 am to play at another new club, Planet Pong, located in San Francisco. Turns out one of the Planet Pong owners, Dennis, was stationed at Bitburg AFB, Germany (same as me) and played in the German leagues from 1983 to 1988. I was there from 1972 to 1977. Dennis and I compared notes and turns out the same German players were on the teams when we were both playing. Stability when trying to maintain a program. Planet Pong, so far, is the best club visited. Everything is only six months old, new tables, rubber flooring, new paint on the walls, relaxing area with food available. Saturday morning and 30 young players training.Andy and Diann at the International Senior Games in Fairbanks 2008
Around 2 pm, (same day Saturday) we arrived at the San Francisco TTC, where there are six table, wood floors, good lighting and dark background. Very friendly people, Chineese coach took control of one table. Played singles and doubles. In walks a young Chinese girl, a boy friend, and her visiting Uncle from China. Apparently the Uncle is a national coach in China, sure...! Turns out when they begin to play the younger players are guessed to be above 2100 and the Uncle (coach) handles their game easily. Oh well, must be nice to have a national Chinese coach just drop into your club to hit around.
Today, Sunday morning, we're off to the Top Spin TTC until around 2 pm then to the Silicon Valley TTC were we're registered for round-robin play. Bob is slowly wearing me down, since I'm ususally tired after three hours of play. Hoping to loose 10 pounds before the Two Star tournament next Saturday in Sacramento.
Playing at the Sacramento, Folsom, and Citrus Heights clubs next week before the Saturday tournament. I'll be ready for a break, just don't know when that will be?