Long summer days still attracts the hard core Alaskans indoors
With the limited summer days in Alaska most locals are outdoors enjoying the sunshine. Karl & Jose can't make up their mind which racket sport?Yet some of us addited to the sport will play indoor even under clear blue skies. Most Alaskans love fishing, camping, cycling and all sorts of outdoor activites. My wife loves working on her flowers and gardening. And last Saturday after 4 hours of table tennis I then visited my folks to load up a van full of tree branches and debres, unloaded them at the local facility then trimmed and mowed the lawn at home. A good Alaskan style workout. A group of us played in Eagle River at the home of Alaska's first Table Tennis Hall of Fame inductee, Boyd Bennett. The sun was out and tempatures in the 70's. What are we thinkng playing inside with the weather looking so great. But if you have been here for a while you know often think
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