2024 Tournaments: No club tournaments scheduled for 2024 in Anchorage.
AISG will be held August 2-11 2024 in Fairbanks Alaska. Alaska International Senior Games is the official Alaska state event of the National Senior Games,which is a national organization of athletes aged 50 and over. Once a year in August, people come from all around the United States and several countries to compete in everything ranging from horseshoes and bocce, to track & field and swimming, from disc golf to traditional golf on Fairbanks’ best courses. We have some 20 sports with more than 60 events each year. The Games is a week of activities that you can enjoy, whether you’re a casual athlete or serious competitor, in any sport.
CLICK HERE FOR AISG events schedule. Table Tennis events will be held Sunday August 11, 2024
2024 Arctic Winter Games, hosted by the Mat-Su Borough from March 10-16, 2024 in Wasilla and Palmer, Alaska. Table Tennis competed in Juniors and Juvenial singles, doubles, Team and mixed doubles. Team Alaska Table Tennis was represented by 6 athletes and 2 coaches. Juvenile Females: Hannah Cho and Anna Jiang from Fairbanks. Juvenile Males: Jack Daniel Williams from Anchorage and Issac Kaviak Hoffman from Palmer. Junior Males: Logan Reinheller and James Peng from Fairbanks. and A record breaking overall results from the juniors and juvenials with Gold, Silver and Bronze ULUS for Team Alaska.
Team Alaska Results: (click HERE for full table tennis results in all events)
Female Junvenile Singles (2009 or later) SILVER ULU: Hannah Cho
Male Juvenile Singles (2009 or later) SILVER ULU: Issac Kaviak Hoffman, BRONZE ULU: Jack Daniel Williams
Male Junior Singles (2006 or later) GOLD ULU; James Peng
Team Juvenile (2009 or later) GOLD ULU: Team Alaska: Hannah Cho and Jack Daniel Williams
Male Juvenile Doubles (2009 or later) SILVER ULU: Issac Kaviak Hoffman and Jack Daniel Williams
Female Juvenile Doubles (2009 or later) SILVER ULU: Hannah Cho and Anna Jiang
Male Junior Doubles (2006 or later) GOLD ULU: Logan Reinheller and James Peng
Past events:
- 2023 Singles Round Robin Tournament. Sat January 21, 2023, Arctic Rec Center Gym 4855 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503, 10AM to 3PM. Entry deadline Jan 19, 2023 at 10PM or until 24 maximum entries received. Minimum entries needed is 16 players. So ENTER TODAY. Singles in double Round Robin format. Preliminary RR pools followed by Playoff Finals in A, B, C & D divisions based on preliminary results. Allowing each participant to receive 6-9 matches. ENTRY FEE $45. CLICK HERE FOR ENTRY FORM. 8 to 12 tables, All singles, games to 11 points, best 3 of 5 game matchs. Format allows preliminary group with mixture of skilled players. Each player advances to playoff division of A, B, C or D levels. The playoff round will result is final order winners, 1st, 2nd & 3 place trophies. Text/call: Karl Augestad for more information: 907-three six zero- 4276.
2020 Winter Round Robin Singles Tournament
Saturday Feb. 29th, 2020 at 11AM-4PM at the Arctic Rec Center, Anchorage, AK.
Sponsored by Gagnon Reconstructive Surgery, Paddle Palace and AKTTC. A double round robon format allowing all entrants at least 5-9 matches. Singles matches of preliminary round blends participants of all skill levels in round robin pools of 4 players. Results of those matches results in filtering the 1st place winners to Division A. Second place finishers to B division, 3rd to C division and 4th to Trophies for top finishers in A, B, C & D singles playoffs. Great value at $45 enrty fee. Minimum entries is 16 players and max is 24. Using 8-12 tables. Trophies for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place in each final Playoff Divisions. Sign up today! (ENTRY FORM HERE)
Contact Karl Augestad for more details. 907-360-4276. or email:
2020 Jerry Smith Hard Bat Tournament
Fairbanks Interior Table Tennis is hosting the Classic Hardbat Tournament again in 2020. Compete with vintage hard bat paddles in exciting longer rallies in this annual Ping Pong Tournament. Its challenging to use the pippled style hard bat paddles in 21 point games. Matches are best 2 of 3 games to 21 point per game. Events in Men's Singles, Womens Singles, Limited Singles, Limited Doubles and Open Doubles. includes the rules and the requirement for paddles includes the rules and the requirement for paddles
Jerry Smith Hardbat ENTRY FORM HERE
Held at the UAF Patty Gym. Contact Diann Darnall for more information: (907)978-2388
* Recreational Hardbat Singles
* Open Doubles
is held Friday March 20 from 5-9PM
* Womens Open Singles
* Mens Open Singles
* Limited Doubles
is held Sunday March 22, 2020 from 12PM to 6PM.
Entry fee: Student facility fee $10.,Adult facility fee $20., Per event $12. See form for more details.
2020 Alaska Yukon Challenge
Fairbanks is host for the 2020 AYC held at the UAF Patty Gym. Friday May 22 and Saturday May 23, 2020. Groups from Whitehorse Yukon Canada, Dawson City Canada, Anchorage, Palmer, Eagle River and Fairbanks are expected to attend. This Challenging tournament features: U1000 Singles, Open Singles, U1000 Teams and Open Teams events. Save the date!!
2019 Alaska Yukon Challenge:
The 12th Annual AYC was held Friday June 14th @ 6-10PM & Saturday June 15th 9AM-6PM in Anchorage Alaska at the Arctic Rec Center. FOUR Events: 1) Novice Under 1000 Rated Singles, 2) Open Singles, 3) Novice Under 1000 Rated TEAM and 4) OPEN TEAM groups.
All events were a unique HANDICAP scoring based on "RATINGS" of individual players. SKILL GROUPS: Under 1000 Division formerly known as the NOVICE group. For new and less experienced players. And the OPEN DIVISION for top skilled players and players "rated" above 1000 ratings of all entrants will be established by AYC committee with input from region representatives. IE: higher rated players will start with MINUS points at start of each game. An match up example: a 1700 rated player faced a 1500 level player, the 200 point difference adjusts the 1700 player to start at (MINUS 4) to ZERO for the 1500 level player. A value of (MINUS 1) for each 50 rating point difference applies to the higher rated player. So a 1800 level player facing a 1400 rated player, 400 point difference, then the 1800 level player starts at -8 to 0 for the 1400 level player. All matches are best 2 of 3 games to 11 points. A true "Challenge" for the higher skilled and rated players.
After the first day of singles competition, the AYC committees reevaluates on any individual player whom exhibit higher or lower skill than their original "ratings" or "estimated rating". Any adjustments made will be based on scores from their singles results. Those players ratings will be adjusted for the TEAM event on Saturday. Results from the AYC committee is final.
This handicap format carries over to the TEAM division. Teams of 2 players will compete in best 3 of 5 matches against another 2 player team. Consisting of 2 singles, 1 doubles and 2 singles match up. Singles is completed the same as the singles handicap format with each match up. But in the doubles match the 2 team players rating numbers are added together to form a Team Average Rating (TAR). That is compared to the opponents TAR and the handicap rule applies. So if an 1800 level player pairs up with a 1400 rating player the total of their ratings is 3200. To obtain their TAR divide that total by 2 equals a TAR of 1600. They play a doubles team with a 1500 and a 1400 rated player their TAR is 1450. Thus the 1600 TAR doubles team starts at -3 to 0 for the 1450 TAR doubles team. A difference of 150 rating points.
This MINUS scoring start points requires the higher rated player to earn more overall points per game to win a game. Thus if starting at -4 to 0 the higher rated player needs to earn 15 point to get to 11 points before their opponent scores 11 points. And must win by 2 points
Format is Preliminary ROUND ROBIN POOLS of 3-4 playes or teams. Top 2 from each pool advances to a Single Elimination Playoffs. CASH PRIZES in all events. Teams & players from Yukon Canada, Hawaii, Fairbanks, Mat-Su Valley, Eagle River and Anchorage to be competing in this unique handicap scoring tournament. Big cash prize money with donations from FITT, AKTTC, Whitehorse and Mega Reporting. Entry forms available soon, Entry Deadline is Wed. June 5, 2019. Late entries accepted based on space available.
Contact KARL AUGESTAD, tournament director for more inforation. Call/Text (907)360-4276 or
Singles Doubles Round Robin Table Tennis Tournament
Sat. Dec 29, 2018 from 9AM to 4PM held at the Arctic Rec Center. Limited to 20 total players. Minimum entry of 16 players. Cost is $49. All ages and skills welcome.
or Call or Text Karl Augestad for more info: 907-360-4276.
The morning starts with DOUBLES play at 9:55AM. Doubles is great fun and new for many participants. Some B division participants can self partner with other. B, C or D players. But top A division players must partner with C or D skilled players, not allowed to partner with A or B players. Thus evening skills in doubles doubles pairs. Doubles will be a Single Elimination event with first round losers playing again for a consolation division playoffs. Thus all entrants get 2-3 matches in doubles. A good way to warm up and get moving.
Singles will start at 11:25AM, This Double Round Robin format will feature 4-5 pools of 4 players in the preliminary round of matches. With 4 players in each pool this allows everyone 3 matches. A mixture of skilled players in each pool will give all participantss the opportunity to a 2nd round of playoff matches in A, B, C & D division. This format allows the playoffs to group players of similar skill level together for more evenly matched action. Playoffs estimated to start about 1PM with awards and clean up about 3:30PM. Spectators welcome for free. Volunteers needed!!
All Entrants compete in both Singles and Doubles (We will help pair partners for some players). Complete Entry form & pay by Thurs 12/27/18 by 10PM. Call or Text Karl Augestad for more information: 907-360-4276
Giant Winter Round Robin Table Tennis Tournament
Saturday, December 1, 2018 at THE ARCTIC REC CENTER, 4PM to 9PM.
Big Fall Table Tennis Tournament RESULTS, Sat Oct 7, 2017, Double Round Robin Format, TWO Rounds of preliminary then playoff action, 16 players participated held at the Omalley's Sports Center in Anchorage. First round was mixed groups of players with the following results
Pool W) 1. Karl Augestad 3-0, 2. David Griffen 2-1, 3. Victor 1-2 4. Ben Broyles 0-3
Pool X) 1. Dustin Jordan 3-0, 2. Valentin 2-1, 3. Elijah Kim 1-2, 4.Solomon DA 0-3
Pool Y) 1. Zachary John 3-0, 2. Mike Mann 2-1, 3. Aaron Griffen 1-2, Ben Clock 0-3
Pool Z) 1. Terry Jose 3-0, 2. William Wood 2-1, 3. Derek Sanders 1-2, 4. Jordan Green 0-3
A Division: 1. Karl Augestad 3-0, 2. Zachary John 2-1, 3. Terry Jose 1-2, 4. Dustin Jordan 0-3
B Division: 1. Valentin 2-1, 2. Mike Mann 2-1, 3. William Wood 2-1, David Griffen 0-3
C Division: 1. Elijah Kim 3-0, 2. Aaron Griffen 2-1, 3. Victor 1-2, Derek Sanders 0-3
D Division: 1. Jordan Green 3-0, 2. Ben Brolyles 2-1, 3. Soloman 1-2, 4. Ben Clock 0-3
2018 Alaska Yukon Challenge: The 11th Annual AYC will be held Friday & Saturday June 15-16, 2018 in Dawson City, Yukon Canada. Details soon. Teams from Fairbanks, Anchorage, Whitehorse and other Alaskan cities to be competing in this unique handicap scoring tournament. Big cash prize money with donations from FITT, AKTTC, Whitehorse and Mega Reporting.
The 11th annual Alaska-Yukon Challenge Table Tennis Tournament was held Friday and
The 10 th annual Alaska-Yukon Challenge Table Tennis Tournament was held Friday andSaturday at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks Patty Center.Twenty-two Fairbanks Interior Table Tennis players teamed up with two players fromAnchorage to make up the Alaska Team. The top 4 players from Whitehorse joined the top4 players from Dawson City to collaborate for the Yukon Team. Athletes competed for over$1,300 in prize money and the traveling trophies.Ten hours of play and 134 hard fought matches later, the Canadians rose victorious in boththe <1000 Division and the Open in this unique handicapped event. In this tournament thehigher rated players spot their opponents 1 point per 50 points different in the ratings.Starting the match with a negative score for the advanced players tends to make thematches more competitive and fun for all players regardless of skill level.On Friday evening in the singles event each match was played best two of three games towin the match.In the <1000 Singles of three round robin groups, Dennis Hedgecock, Carol Johnson, andGerard Parsons advanced out of their group with Jane Parrish drawing the Wild Card forthe semi-final round. Carol Johnson was victorious over Dennis Hedgecock 11-9, 10-12, 11-6. On the neighbor table Gerard Parsons over came Jane Parrish 11-2, 5-11, 12-6. In thefinals Gerard Parsons, from Dawson City, took the Championship over second place finisherCarol Johnson, from Fairbanks, 11-2, 11-5.In the Open Singles, players fought through four round robin groups to fill the semi-finalspots with the top player from each group. In the semi-finals Ryan Bachli, fromWhitehorse, took the match from Dave DeMay, from Eagle River, 12-10, 12-5. The othersemi-final match saw Daniel Li, from Whitehorse, victorious over Oleg Sheynfeld, fromFairbanks 11-7, 5-11, 11-9. The finals were set for the showdown among the Whitehorseplayers; Ryan Bachli spotted Daniel Li 6 points/game. Daniel took advantage of the spot inthe first game winning 11-2. However, Ryan rose to the challenge and took the next twogames in long, looping rallies 11-9, 11-8.On Saturday, players competed for the Team Championships and the traveling trophies.
In the <1000 Division, five teams went head-to- head in round robin format playing twosingles matches and one doubles match, which is call a Tie. The team winning two of thethree matches wins the Tie. The Dawson Duel: Gerard Parsons and Emily Gaw, of DawsonCity, went undefeated to take the Championship. Girls of Pong: Ava Partyka, Fairbanks, andErin Sivitz, Anchorage, were 3-1 taking second. Third place went to the Fair Ladies: CarolJohnson and Aporn Stein, of Fairbanks. Fourth to Play On: Ruby Baxter and Vince Murlott.Fifth place went to Herb Sivitz from Anchorage, Betsy DeMay from Eagle River, and DennisHedgecock.In the Open Teams the matches were extremely even as no team went undefeated. Movingon from the two round robin groups, of five teams each, was the first place team in eachgroup. Third place was a tie with FITT Team of Dave DeMay/Vikas Sonawalkar and theWhitehorse Team of Ryan Bachli/Daniel Li.Playing off in the Finals were the mother/son team of Party Pong: Doron and Eric Partykaof Fairbanks and the Klondike Smashers: Sam Crocker/Ethan Gaw of Dawson City. Theformat for the finals was best 3 of 5 matches/tie and 2 of 3 games/match. The first roundof singles matched Doron with Ethan with Ethan edging the win 8-11, 11-9, 11-7. Thesingles match of Sam and Eric was also tight with Sam taking the match 7-11, 11-8, and 11-6. That setup a must win situation for the Party Pong. Party Pong took the first game 11-8and the Klondike Smashers the second 11-7. In the third game, both teams traded point upto the tie at 7-7. The Smashers dominated the next three points to lead at 10-7. However,the Party Pong dug deep and worked their way back to duce at 10-10. Party Pongcontinued their streak winning the next two points and the match at 12-10, whichdelighted the Alaska Team to see more matches. With the Canadians leading 2 matches to1, the last two singles matched took the stage. Doron matched up with Sam, which she won8-11, 11-7, and 11-4. The final match was also close with Ethan winning over Eric 11-5, 11-13, 4-11, thus claimed the Open Team Title for the Klondike Smashers.The “ Jerry Smith Spirit of the Game” Award was presented in Memory of Jerry Smith whopasses away in February of 2009. Jerry loved Table Tennis and was a Co-Director of thefirst Alaska Yukon Challenge in Fairbanks 2008 and the 2009 winner of the <1000 TeamTrophy. This year this special award went Scott Kennedy. Scott’s love of Table Tennis andhis giving heart to help others is noteworthy. We are grateful for Scott’s help moving tablesand equipment as well as setup. His efforts helped make this tournament a success. Eventhough Scott fights hard for every game point, he is a top sportsman no matter what side ofthe score he ends up on. Congratulations Scott!
Ryan’s Woodworking of Whitehorse contributed a Special Award this year. His artfullydesign Cutting Board with over 20 different hardwoods was presented to Betsy DeMay ofEagle River. Betsy was an eager volunteer for the Tournament, demonstrated outstandingsportsmanship, and stepped forward to make sure everyone was able to play in the TeamEvent. Congratulations Betsy! Thank you Ryan Bachli for making this award possible.Mark your calendar as the 2018 Alaska-Yukon Challenge is being planned for June 15-16 inDawson City, Yukon.
Friday April 14, 2017, Girdwood Paddle Battle, The fund raiser for Girdwood School students for trips to Washington DC and New York was a success with about 35 students and 18 adults entering. LOOK for 2018 as this will be an annual event. Silent auction, door prizes and cash prizes for top players. Two divisions: 7th and 8th Graders started at 23:30 and ended about 6P. Then at about 6:30PM the ADULTS started., Alaska Safety and AKTTC donated items and table tennis equipment. Club members Paul Richards, Karl Augestad and Chidi volunteered to help.
results: 13 yrs and under:
17 yrs and under:
Adults: 18 & over: 1. Chidi Nworkie 2. Karl Augestad 3. Phu
Girdwood Paddle Battle: Tournament, Fund Raiser for students, ONLINE ENTRIES HERE
Held at Girdwood school. Fund raiser for the 7th and 8th Graders trip to Washington DC with help from the Four Valleys Community Schools
Contact: Frans Weits for more info, 760-518-2856
Girdwood Paddle Battle: Tournament, Friday April 14, Fund Raiser for students, held at Girdwood school, 2 divisions: 3:15PM $15. (7th & 8th Graders) and 6PM $25. (Adults) ONLINE ENTRIES HERE
Double Round Robin Event format, All skill levels & Ages. LIMITED to 20 PLAYERS. First preliminary round will mix various level players in 4 or 5 pools of 4 players. Then results will sort results in to 4 playoff groups so 1st place finishers will advance to A pool, 2nd place finishers in to B pool, Etc. So 4 playoff pools will gather athletes of similar skill level. Cost $42/per person. All players will play 6-7 matches. Sign up SOON to secure your spot. Entry deadline EXTENDED to 4/10/17 at 10PM or when 16 players signed up or optional increase to 20 players if demad is great. Entries after 4/12/17 accepted based on space available and additional late fee.
Trophies for top 3 finishers in all 4 playoff divisions. Call or Email Karl Augestad for more information: (907)360-4276,
Update 4/10/17: 16 have signed up and paid. Now wait list of 4 added players for a total of 20. SIGN UP NOW, Contact Karl, text/call/FB messenger his number above.
June 9-10, 2017, Alaska Yukon Challenge, UAF Gym Fairbanks, Alaska. Teams from Anchorage, Fairbanks and Yukon, Canada will compete in this unique handicap tournament.
June or July 2017 (New date pending) Alaska Open Table Tennis Championships, The Center, on Arctic Blvd.
Larger single day tournament, 8 Various skill and age divisions. 6- Singles events: Men's Open, Women's Open, B, C, D & Juniors singles and 2-Doubles events: Open Doubles & B/C Doubles. 9AM-6PM, Warm-up & sign in by 9:15AM, Matches start at 9:30AM. Friday night or Sat night before may be open for practice & event set up @ TBD time. (awaiting availability)
B/C doubles is U2800* level combined & no player over 1700* level) *USATT rating level. If you do not have an official USATT or estimated AKTTC club rating, see Karl Augestad to establish a club rating.
July, 2017 Summer Ping Pong Tournament (PROPOSED, awaiting approval) Bear Paw Festival Table Tennis Tournament in Eagle River, Alaska, Anyone interest? Let me know who would come on out. Contact: Zack Johns to EXPRESS your interest NOW.
Sept. 2017 (PROPOSED) Fall Open Table Tennis Tournament, Anchorage. Location may be The Center, O'Malley Sports Pavilion or TBD. Opportunity for post summer activites play some competitive Table Tennis.
Nov. 2017(PROPOSED) Anchorage Open Tournament and Arctic Winter Games Team Tryouts
Alaska International Senior Games: Fairbanks Alaska. UAF Gym on August 19-20, 2017, Open to seniors 50 years and older. Increments of 5 year groups in Male and Female. Fun, festive event. Contact Diann Darnall (907) 978-2388, for more information: WEBSITE:
October 2017 Huntsman World Senior Games, St. George, UT Alaskans likely attending from Fairbanks, Juneau and Anchorage. 50 Yrs and older in 5 year increment divisions. Rating, Men's Singles, Women's Singles, Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles, Mixed Doubles & Random Doubles.
Nov. 24-26, 2017 Washington D.C. NATT Teams: Featuring The Alaskan Assassins: (Proposed 2017 Team) Kyle Yan, Karl Augestad, Paul Elliott & Ken Leiu.
Seattle Open, Alaskans attend Aug. 22-23, 2015
On August 22-23, 2015 "The Alaskan Six" entered the Seattle Open in Bellevue, WA. A four star USATT sanctioned tournament sponsored by Butterfly North America and Seattle Pacific Table Tennis Club featuring 20 various divisions in singles and doubles. It was a great event with exciting matches and long sessions each day.
Alaskans participating are: Kyle Yan, 26, Karl Augestad, 56,Chidi Nwokori, 46, Mike Mann, 48, Johann Donath, 27, Zackary John, 22. Events Alaskans competed in U1250, U1400, U1550, U1700, U1850, U2000, U2150, U2300, U2450 & Open Singles, Plus U4200 & Open Doubles. About 180 participants from Canada, WA, OR, CA, AK and other nearby states.
Read New Blog Posting: Tournaments test mental and physical skills
UAA Table Tennis Tournament, Feb. 24, 2015. 20 participants competed in the open singles for the Winterfest TT tourney on Tues. Feb. 24th. Help from the AKTTC members, Mike Mann, Mark Weissler and Karl Augestad assured the event went smoothly. An excellent diversity of players from Sweden, Norway, Korea, China, Honduros, Thailand, South and North America.
RESULTS: 1. Andrew Kim, 2. Ryan Royce, 3. Emil Johannson, 4. Jacob Wingard
Quarterfinalist: Myung Jun Bae, Joshua Kwon,
Sun. January 4, 2015: Double Round Robin Singles and Doubles Tournament Results:
Double Round Robin Singles and Doubles Tournament
B and C division were combined to one large RR playoff division.
C Division Singles RR Playoffs
- Erin Sivitz, 3-0, 3-3 overall
- Herb Sivitz, 2-1, 2-4 overall
- Danelle Winn, 1-2
- Danette Weissler, 0-3
B Division Singles RR Playoffs
- Zackery John, 3-0, 6-0 overall
- Aaron Desmond, 2-1, 2-4 overall
- Aporn Stein
A Division Singles RR Playoffs
- Kyle Yan, 5-0, $80. Cash prize
- Karl Augestad, 4-1, $50 Cash prize
- Kunto Winison, 3-2
- Paul Elliott, 2-3
- Dave DeMay, 1-4
- Mark Weissler, 0-5
This tournament is a fun and exciting event for participants to get plenty of matches against a wide range of skilled opponants. Each player will receive 6 to 8 matches over the course of the 2 rounds of singles match play. In this double Round Robin (RR) format 4 to 5 players will be placed in a series of RR preliminary pools. With each pool consisting of skilled players from novice to open level. The results will place the first place finishers from each preliminary pool in Group A in the playoffs. And the 2nd place in to Group B, 3rd to Group C, 4th place to Group D and the 5th place finisher to Group E. Thus resulting in similar skill levels matched in close competitive action. Top two finishers will be awarded cash prizes for A & B groups and trophies for C to E groups. This double RR is limited to 25 players. So sign up today. Space is limited. Entry Deadline is Friday Jan. 2nd at 11:59PM and events on Sunday Jan. 4th start at 9:55AM. With practice and check-in from 9AM to 9:45AM. See entry form form lots of additional information.
ENTRY FORM HERE Limited to 25 participants, Cash prizes and Trophies. With special drop-in practice session for Sat. Jan. 3rd from 8-11PM.
* Alaska Yukon Challenge 2015 in Whitehorse, Yukon Canada, date likely in May 2015. More info soon.
Alaska/Yukon Challenge, Fairbanks, AK Fri and Sat. May 9 & 10, 2014 RESULTS
The Fairbanks Interior Table Tennis club hosted one of the best tournament in Alaska. A well organized and attend tournament featuring the Alaska Yukon Challenge Team and Singles in Novice and Open divisions. A unique handicap tournament hosted in rotation in Fairbanks, Whitehorse and Anchorage. Next year in 2015 will be Whitehorse.
Thanks to sponsor Mega Reporting, Inc. from Whitehorse for the $1000 donation and the Alaska Table Tennis club in Anchorage for the $200 donation.
PHOTOS Now posted !
Jerry Smith Spirt of the Game Award: Presented to Chirk Chu. Thanks to all your hard work and volunteer time to make this the best AYC ever! As treasurer and co-tournament director Chirk was in many places and countless hours of work to make this a truley memoriable event. From moving equipment, control desk, accounting and score recording. Chirk sacraficed his play to help make the Alaska Yukon Challenge a truely memorable event. Congratulations.
Novice Singles
1st Eric Partyka, Fairbanks (Finals score: Eric vs. Aporn: 11-9, 10-12, 11-8)
2nd Aporn Stein, Fairbanks
3rd Tomas Brenner, Yukon
3rd Tyler Slechta, Fairbanks
Open Singles
1st Karl Augestad, Anchorage (-2) (Finals score: 11-4, 13-11)
2nd Ryan Bachli, Whitehorse
3rd Eric Carvalho, Fairbanks
3rd Diann Darnall, Fairbanks
Novice Team
1st place: Tail Spin (Aporn Stein and Tyler Slechta) Finals 3-0
2nd place: Boys of Pong (Eric Partyka and Nathan Barring)
Novice Team finals scores, Best 3 of 5 Tie:
TaIl Spin vs. Boys of Pong (negative represents the handicap minus start amount)
A vs X) Tyler -6 vs Eric (Tyler won: 2-11, 12-10, 11-6, 7-11, 13-11)
B vs Y) Aporn -2 vs Nathan (Aporn won 12-10, 11-8, 11-9)
A/B vs X/Y) Tail Spin -4 vs Boys of Pong (Tail Spin won: 11-7, 0-11, 11-5, 11-8)
Finals Tie went to Tail Spin 3 matches to 0.
3rd place: East West (Wiu-Mei Zhang and Jim Zheng)
3rd place: Cadets (Thomas Brenner and Michael Janssen-Brethal)
Open Team
1st Arctic Loopers (Karl Augestad and Andrew Kim) Finals 3-0
2nd DEES on Fire (Diann Darnall and Doron Partyka)
3rd TAABS (Taras Yukly and Abed Rajab)
3rd DePayuhs (Dave DeMay and TomDeLong)
* Fri and Sat. May 9 & 10, 2014: Alaska/Yukon Challenge, Fairbanks, AK. ENTRY FORM AND INFO HERE
* "Jerry Smith" Alaska Hardbat Championships April 4-5, 2014 More info & ENTRY FORM
Complete TABLE TENNIS RESULTS (Click Here)
AWG TT GW newsletter #1 (CLICK HERE)
Congratulations to the the Alaska Table Tennis Team competing at the Arctic Winter Games March 15 to 22 in Fairbanks, Alaska. The members faced strong athletes from Greenland, Yamal, NWT, Nunavut, Nunavut-Quebec and Yukon. The Alaskan players had a great time enjoying the competition and festive cultural events. Here are the representitves and results:
Team Alaska Members are: (click on names below for event results & scores)
juvenile female: Erica Hurtte and Erin Sivitz
juvenile male: Jimmy Gao and Lian Lincoln
junior female: Heather Nicole Woodhouse and Eva Partyka
junior male: Jacob Peter Thibodeau and and Nathan A Klein
Bronze Medalist Juvenile Male Singles: Team Alaska: Jimmy Gao
Bronze Medalist Junior Female Doubles: Team Alaska: Heather Woodhouse and Eva Partyka
Bronze Medalist Juvenile Female Doubles: Erica Hurtte and Erin Sivitz
Bronze Medalist Juvenile Male Doubles: Team Alaska: Jimmy Gao and Lian Lincoln
Bronze Medalist TEAM Juvenile Mixed Doubles: Erica Hurtte, Erin Sivitz, Jimmy Gao and Lian Lincoln
Fourth Place: Junior males: Jacob Peter Thibodeau and Nathan A Klein
Quarter Finalist: Juvenile Female Singles: Erin Sivitz
Quarter Finalist: Juvenile male Singles: Lian Lincoln
Quarter Finalist: Juvenile Mixed Doubles: Erica Hurtte and Jimmy Gao, Erin Sivitz & Lian Lincoln
"Jerry Smith" Alaska Hardbat Championships
Tournament on Fri. 5-9PM & Sat. 9AM-6PM April 4-5, 2014 in Fairbanks.
Singles & Doubles. More info & ENTRY FORM
Click the link here for the Results and Daily Miner Newspaper article "Hoover takes 3rd Table Tennis Crown"
Table Tennis Tournaments: (CLICK HERE FOR 2014 TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE)
March Open Tournament Results: March 1, 2014
A great gathering on a busy March weekend in Anchorage. With the Iditarod Sled Dog Race starting that morning there was a "woof" in the air on this cold and clear day.
With several first time tournament players and Alaska's top rated player in attendance it was sizing up for an howling great tournament. Three of the eight members of the Arctic Winter Games Team Alaska participated. This event was a good preparation event for the international AWG competition set for March 15th - 22nd in Fairbanks, Alaska.
In the A/C Doubles participants are paired based on skill level. An A or open level player would be matched up with a C or B level player. This provied the best pairing for nearly all 5 teams. Alaskan juvenile female member Erin Sivitz was paired up with Alaska's top rated player active player, Rendy Tan. Their pairing proved challenging with Erin gaining much experience with Rendy's strong serves and consistant play. Fellow juvenile male members Jimmy Gao and Lian Lincoln were teamed up again like in the February tournament. This time new groupings gave them a much more difficult test in their preparation for the upcoming AWG. Top seeded Karl Augestad and Mark Weissler swept undefeated in several close fough matches. Mark's blocking and upredictable hits along with Karl's top side spin gave early teams a test. Strong play from Jose Martignon and Corbin Sawyer as they fought agressively and matched Gretchen Wehmhoff and Kyle Yan with a 2-3 record. But head-to-head Martignon and Sawywer came out on top with a close 13-15, 11-8, 11-9 victory.
The C singles started the day with some exciting rallies as players competited in a round robin pool. UAA student and new tournament player Zachary John had a great time. Eager to play he has been playing at the UAA Student Union hall on the sole table downstairs. His strong play earned him first in the C singles without losing a game. And a respectable 3rd place in the B singles. Tennis player and past AWG team Alaska Table Tennis coach, Bill Cotton took 2nd with great mid court coverage. That tennis footwork pays off.
The B Singles was a tough to seed players going in to the tournament. With several long time player making their appearange against several strong regulars. Mark Weissler's dedicated practice prior to the event proved enough to top the field with a 4-1 record. Tieing top seeded Corbin Sawyer with a matching result. But in their head-to-head matchup, Mark came up victorious with a 11-6, 5-11, 11-4, 11-9 win.
A/C Doubles:
1. Karl Augestad and Mark Weissler
2. Erin Sivitz and Randy Tan
3. Jose Martignon and Corbin Sawyer
4. Gretechen Wehmhoff and Kyle Yan
5. Jimmy Gao and Lian Lincoln
6. Bill Cotton and Johan Donath
C Singles:
1. Zachary John
2. Bill Cotton
3. Gil Mannond
4. Erint Sivitz
B Singles:
1. Mark Weissler
2. Corbin Sawyer
3. Zacharey John
4. Mike Mann
5. Erin Sivitz
6. Jose Martignon
A Singles:
1. Jimmy Gao
2. Dohan Donath
3. Corbin Sawyer
4. Lian Lincoln
5. Jose Martignon
6. Mike Mann
Open Singles:
1. Kyle Yan
2. Rendy Tan
3. Karl Augestad
4. Jimmmy Gao
5. Johan Donath
- March 16-22, 2014 Arctic Winter Games, Fairbanks, AK. Team Alaska junior and Juvenile male and female athletes competing for gold, siliver and bronze Ulus in this Cultural event held every 2 years. Teams from Alberta, Nunavut, Nunavik-Quebec, Greenland, Sapmi, Yamal, Yukon, North West Territories and Alaska
* April 4 & 5, 2014: Jerry Smith Hard Bat Tournament, Fairbanks, AK. Times: Friday from 5-9PM & Sat. from 9A-6PM. Held in Fairbanks, Alaska at the UAF Gym. Hosted by FITT club, contact: Diann Darnall
* Fri and Sat. May 9 & 10, 2014: Alaska/Yukon Challenge, Fairbanks, AK. Friday from 4-9PM and Sat. 9AM-7PM. A handicap tournament hosted in rotation at cities: Fairbanks, Whitehorse or Anchorage. Hosted by FITT club, contact: Diann Darnall
* Sat. & Sun. August 16 & 17, Alaska International Senior Games, Fairbanks, AK from Time. Info at: TBA. Special Guests visiting from Germany and Las Vegas. Hosted by FITT club, contact: Diann Darnall
* Mon-Thurs. October 6-9, 2014 , Huntsman World Senior Games Huntsman World Senior Games, St. George, UT. Alaskan seniors ages 50+ from Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks and Eagle River comptete for gold, silver and bronze metals.
* Fri. & Sat. October 24 & 25, 2014: Alaska Open Table Tennis Tournament,Anchorage, AK. 8-10 Tables. Events: Skill Singles (Open, A, B, C), Doubles (Open & B/C), Women's Singles, Open Hardbat and Seniors 40 & over.
* Sat. & Sun. Nov. 1 & 2, 2014 Pac Rim Tournament, Portland, Oregon. Tuwalitin Rec. Center. 20+ divisions, Trophies & Cash prizes. Top Canadian and players from WA, CA, OR and Alaska attend.
* Fri.-Sun. Nov. 28-31, 2014 North American Team Championships, Washington, DC (Formerly in Baltimore & Detroit) Teams of 3-5 players in various skill divisions based on ratings. Americans best team tournament and one of the largest team tournaments in the world! The Alaskan Assassins have competed several years dating back to 1989.
Alaskan Andy Hutzel is in Washington DC for the North American Teams over the Thanksgiving weekend Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2013.
Learn more about North America Table Tennis and the NA Teams (Click Here) Full Tournamernt schedule for 2014 coming soon.
A 3 day team tournament that several Alaskan players have participated in since 1989. Andy is on a 4 person team called the "Westchester Barbarians" in division 8. A team sponsored by our recent guest to Alaska, Will Shortz owner of the Westchester Table Tennis Club in upstate New York. Alaska's Team "The Alaskan Assassins" best result was 2nd place, division 7 in 2006 with teammembers Hathaim Salman, Jorg Heger, Andy Hutzel and Karl Augestad.
Alaskans attending from the past include: Richard Fettis, Gretchen Wehmhoff, Moon Kim, Sung Yang, Andy Hutzel, Jorg Heger, Hathaim Salman, Kyle Yan and Karl Augestad. Andy Hutzel has already paid for a team slot in 2014. Kyle and Karl will be attending in 2014 and invite other Alaskans to join us. Hopefully we can form 2 or more teams from Alaska. See the NATT website for more info,
Fall Table Tennis Tournament and Arctic Winter Games Team Results
Sat. October 19, 2013
10 Adult and Junior divisions in Singles & Doubles. Cash prizes for Open Championship Singles & Doubles. Trophies for Women's Singles, B/C doubles, juniors, juveniles and A, B & C skill division singles.
Open Singles: 1. Rendy Tan, 2. Kyle Yan, 3. Karl Augestad 3. Yuriy Solovyov
Women's Singles: 1. Mary Nomani, 2. Gretchen Wehmhoff, 3. Young Sun Elliott, 4. Erin Sivitz, 5. DanetteWeissler
A Singles: 1. Jimmy Gao, 2. Andrew Kim, 3. Paul Elliott, 3. Kyle Yan
B Singles: 1. Mark Weissler, 2. Cade Loving, 3. Mike Mann, 3. Sabastien Wetterlin
B/C Doubles: 1. Brant Bennett/Cade Loving, 2. Philip Pugay/Mark Weissler, 3. Justin Carrioaburu/Ben Kumor, 4. Derek Stone/Jake Stone
Open Doubles: 1. Chidi Nwokorie/Rendy Tan, 2.Karl Augestad/Kyle Yan, 3. Paul Elliott/Jimmy Gao, 4. Andrew Kim/Yuriy Soloyov
Juvenile Female Singles: 1. Melanie Chaffey, 2. Erin Sivitz
Juvenile Male Singles: 1. Jimmy Gao, 2, Derek Stone, 3. Elijah Kim, 4. Jake Stone
Junior Female Singles: 1. Heather Woodhouse
Junior Male Singles: 1. Nathan Klein, Jacob Thibobeau, Bryce Foster, 4.Dylan Bruce
ENTRY FORM HERE here at AKTTC website. Call Karl Augestad for more info: 907-360-4276 or email:
Alaska Seniors Athletes Bring Home Medals
Seven Table Tennis competitors from Alaska competed in the four-day (October 7-10, 2013) Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George, Utah. Over 160 players competed for the medals in the Table Tennis Event.
Jane Parrish and Carol Johnson of Fairbanks battled it out in the 65-69 Division with Jane taking the Silver Medal and Carol the Bronze Medal. Yoko Wilcox of Englewood, Co took the Gold. Jane and Carol teamed up to take the Gold Medal in the Women’s Doubles 65-69 Division. Johnson partnered with Bob Janes of Juneau to ease out the Bronze Medal in the 65-69 Mixed Doubles. Over Jane and Jamo Parrish who finished fourth.
Diann Darnall of Fairbanks took the Silver Medal in the Women’s Singles 60-64 Division. Yali Carpenter of Peoria, AZ took the Gold. In Women’s Doubles 60-64 Darnall partnered with Carpenter to take the Gold. In Mixed Doubles 60-64, Darnall partnered with Tim McLeod of Juneau to finish with a Bronze Medal. The Gold Medal went to Dennis Keppen of Sun City AZ and Yali Carpenter of Peoria, AZ. The team of Ray Mack of Rochester, NY and Carolyn Adams of Dunedin, Fl took the Silver.
Diann Darnall won six straight matches to make it to the finals in the Rated Singles 1400-1599. Darnall finished with the silver in a 3-2 game match with Allan Ferrenberg of Reno, NV.
Tim McLeod of Juneau took the Bronze Medal in the Rated Singles 1200-1399.
The Alaskans warmed up for the Huntsman Games by participating in the Nevada Senior Games Table Tennis Tournament. Jane Parrish took the Gold in Women’s Singles 65-69 Division. Jane teamed up with Carol Johnson to take the Gold in Women’s Doubles. Jane and Jamo Parrish took the Bronze in the Mixed Doubles 65-69 Division.
Diann Darnall took the Silver Medal in Women’s Singles 60-65 Division behind her doubles partner Yali Carpenter. Darnall and Carpenter took the Gold in Women’s Doubles. Darnall and Dave DeMay of Eagle River took the Gold Medal in the Mixed Doubles 55-59 Division.
Carol Johnson was delighted with her first Table Tennis Tournaments out-side of Alaska. She enjoyed meeting new friends, improving her skills, and inviting athletes to come to Fairbanks for the 2014 Alaska International Senior Games next August.
The Huntsman World Senior Games hosts over 10,000 athletes 50+ for a two-week period in October each year. Participants compete in 27 athletic events and come from Japan to Sweden and from Alaska to Australia, where peace among nations is fostered through friendly competition. For more information of the Huntsman World Senior Games go to
To find out more about the Alaska International Senior Games go to
Photo: L-R Back row: Tim McLeod, Dave DeMay, Bob Janes, Jamo Parrish
L-R front row: Diann Darnall, Jane Parrish, Carol Johnson
Anchorage Park Foundation 1st Annual Ping Pong Tournament
Thanks to the Anchorage Park Foundation for hosting the first annual Minnesota Park Outdoor Ping Pong Tournament on Monday August 19, 2013. Held to celebrate the new concrete ping pong table at (you guessed it) Minnesota Park on (you guessed it) Minnesota Drive. In a "Final Four" type bracket 32 players braved the elements to play not only against their opponent, but also against Mother Nature. RAIN! Yes it was wet but fun.
Several substitutes filled for no-show players. Plenty of players showed up to fill the wet shoes. Including Paul Elliott from the AKTTC. The first round of matches took just over an hour with a single game to 11 point, serving rotation every 2 points and swapping sides at the first to 5 points.
Alaska Table Tennis club members, Paul Elliott, Mark Weissler and Karl Augestad made the Elite 8 in the competition.
PHOTOS HERE from the Minnesota Park Outdoor Tournament
Alaska Yukon Challenge set for May 10 & 11, 2013 at the AT & T Sports Pavilion. Team and Singles events with $1000. in Prize Money & Trophies. Thanks to Whitehorse Sponsor: Mega Reporting, Inc.,
Activates starts Friday May 10th at 4PM, See Schedule on ENTRY FORM. Action will begin with Novice Singles at 5PM & Open Singles at 5:30PM. Finals later that evening.
Saturday May 11th doors open at 9AM & Teams event start at 9:30AM. Unique handicap rating score system allows all participants a great opportunity against various skill level matchups.
Teams from Whitehorse Yukon Canada, Fairbanks, Soldotna, Homer, Anchorage and hopefully Juneau will compete for the coveted Birch Wood Bowl Trophy. Novice Singles for U1000 USATT rated and Open Singles for Over 1000 USATT rating.
2012 Open Team winners Canadians Kevin Murphy and Ryan Bachli. See 2012 AK Yukon Challenge results and article lower on THIS Tournaments Page.
Volunteers needed for scorekeeping, control desk and runners. Spectators welcome. Entry information soon. Contact Karl Augestad at: or cell (907)360-4276.
Anchorage Open Table Tennis Tournament March 16, 2013
Timing applies to multiple aspects of the sport of table tennis when competing in a tournament. Arriving on time, warming up in a timely manner, contact with the ball in the precise spot and taking your time when rallying in a match. The sport is fast and your timing is important. Practice, preparation and patience helps address the timing these aspects.
Open Singles: 1st Chidi Nwokorie (3-1), 2nd Karl Augestad (3-1), 3rd Kyle Yan (2-2), 4th Paul Elliott (2-2), 5th Jose Martignon * tie breaker based on head-to head
Open Women's Singles: 1st Mary Nomani (2-0), 2nd Kara Joseph (1-1), 3rd Natasha Graham (0-2)
B Singles: 1st Wade Wruck (5-0), 2nd Andrew Kim (4-1), 3rd Mike Mann, 4th Jacob Wingerd, 5th Paul Harren, 5th Mary Nomani
C Singles: 1st Mike Mann (5-0), 2nd Mark Weissler (4-1), 3rd Chao Vang, 4th Gil Dammond, Justin Neff, Stacy Joseph
B/C Doubles: Philip Pugney/Mark Weissler, 2nd Justin Neff/Jainbing Wu, 3rd Jose Martignon/Chao Vang
Open Doubles: 1st Chidi Nwokorie/Kyle Yan, 2nd Karl Augestad/Paul Elliott
PDF entry form (CLICK HERE). Contact Karl Augestad for more information & questions: (907)360-4276 & All ages and skills welcome, 18 trophies and $190 in cash prizes in singles & doubles.
"Jerry Smith" Alaska Hardbat Championships April 5-6, 2013, Singles & Doubles events
Alan Hoover takes third table tennis crown.
Sponsored by the FITT club in Fairbanks, Alaska. Held at Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks Patty Gym (Entry form click here) All proceeds above expenses will be donated to the American Diabetes Association in Memory of Jerry Smith. Information:
Alaskan Wins USATT National Hardbat Championship
Fairbanks Interior Table Tennis (FITT) member, Dave DeMay, lead Team Alaska at the 5 day competition. DeMay is bringing home the Gold Medal and the1500 Hardbat Championship Trophy back to Alaska.
UAA Info Desk Table Tennis Tournament, Nov. 29, 2012
A dozen of UAA students signed up for the regular semester event held at the Student Union Hall on Nov. 29, 2012. A mixture of students competed at the campus kThe Alaska Table Tennis Club donated use of 3 premium Butterfly TT tables, net sets, barriers and score boards and tables. Help from 5 time UAA TTT champion Kyle Yan and top rated AKTTC member and Mark Weissler of the AKTTC club in organizing the round robin and final divisions.
1. Jacob Wingard 2.
Alaskans win at HWSG
Oct. 8-11, 2012 St George, UT
50-54 Men's Singles Bronze medal: Karl Augestad (Anchorage).
50-54 Men's Doubles 4th place: Todd Woodhouse & Karl Augestad
55-59 Men's Doubles Bronze medal:
Dave DeMay (Eagle River), Richard Chang (Vancouver, BC Canada)
55-59 Men's Doubles 4th Place medal: Rick Robertson (Fairbanks) & San Joy Batacharya (St George, UT)
60-64 Women Singles Silver medal: Diann Darnall (Fairbanks)
60-64 Women's Doubles Gold medal:
Diann Darnall Fairbanks) & Jane Parrish Fairbanks)
60-64 Mixed Doubles Gold medal
Diann Darnall (Fairbanks) & Bob Janes (Juneau)
65-69 women's singles Silver medal: Jane Parrish Fairbanks)
1600-1799 Rated Singles Silver medal: Andy Hutzel (Eagle River)
1800-1999 Rated Singles Silver medal: Andy Hutzel (Eagle River)
1400-1599 Rated Singles 4th place: David DeMay (Eagle River)
1200-1399 Rated Singles Bronze medal: Rick Robertson (Fairbanks)
I TOOK over 3000 photos during my stay in St. George, Utah & Texas, both before and after the HWSG. (PHOTOS HERE)
The players are coming from all over to play at the Huntsman World Senior Games from Oct. 8-12th in St. George, UT. Some from Fairbanks, Eagle River, Vegas, Seattle, San Antonio and who knows where. All originally from Alaska and will battle the players also from all over the world from Europe, Asia, South American and all across the USA. See the photo below of the players attending and cheer them on. I will update the website with photos while at the HWSG. So check back. Karl Augestad, AKTTC
An international field of players participated in the Alaska Open Tournament on Sat. Sept. 29, 2012 at the AT & T Sports Pavilion in Anchorage, Alaska. A full lineup of events in singles & doubles. Twenty Two players were allowed to enter up to 2 singles events and one doubles.
Players representing various countries and ethnic distinctions from native Alaska, China, Korea, Germany, Ukraine, Samoa, Nigeria, Pakistan, Spain, Japan, Mexico and Norway. Check out the full story at the tournament link. (PHOTOS CLICK HERE)
Open Singles: 1. Alex Hoffman, 2. Chidi Nwokorie 3. Kyle Yan 3. Yuriy Solovyov
Women's Singles: 1. Mary Nomani 2. April Ward 3. Kris Abegge
Class B Singles: 1. Jimmy Gao 2. Wade Wruck 3. Matthew Cortz 3. Paul Fernandez
Class C Singles: Jacob Wingerd 2. Dean Silvis 3. Lian Lincoln 3. Mike Mann
Open Doubles: 1. Alex Hoffman and Yuriy Solovyov 2. Karl Augestad and Todd Woodhouse 3, Paul Elliott and Kyle Yan 3. Jimmy Gao and Chidi Nwokorie
17 & Under Singles: 1. Alex Hoffman 2. Andrew Kim 3. Lian Lincoln 4. Muhammad Umair Nawaz
Senior Singles 50 & over: 1. Karl Augestad 2. Todd Woodhouse 3. Wade Wruck
Alaska Open Table Tennis Championships
Saturday, September 29, 2012. A strong field of players participated in the first state open tournament in nearly 3 years. 22 players competed in 7 events in Open Doubles, Open Singles, B Singles, C Singles, Juniors 17 & under, Seniors 50 & over and Woman's singles.
Huntsman World Senior
Anchorage Korean Community Table Tennis Tournament:
Tues. August 7, 2012 from 6-10PM at the AT & T Sports Pavilion. Open to members of the various Korean Community Churchs in Singles, Doubles, Women's Singles and Overall Team Events. Spectators Welcome.
SINGLES: 1. Sung "Jake" Pi 2. Andrew Kim 3. Jerry Shin
DOUBLES: 1. Andrew Kim and Jerry Shin
AK TTC providing tables, nets, balls, barriers, score tables, score boards and volunteer help. Fast and exciting action. See the past photos HERE
August 11-12, 2012 Alaska International Senior Games,
Fairbanks, AK
Table Tennis Tournament for players 50 years and older. Age groups: 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89... Qualifing event for the National Senior Games in Cleveland, Ohio in 2013. Anchorage & Eagle River players include: Andy Hutzel and Karl Augestad. Players from Fairbanks include: Diann Darnall, Rick Robertson and others. Many are also attending the Huntsman World Senior Games in October 2012 in St. George, UT. (AISG is not related to the NSGA)
INFORMATION: (CLICK HERE) Register (HERE) Sponsored by the FITT club, Contact: Diann Darnall
email: National Senior Games:
Diann Darnall (president) (907)479-5421 AISG Phone: (907)-978-2388 April-Sept.
America's Team Tournament May 26-27, 2012
The Alaskan Assassins battled against a strong field of players in Rockford, IL over Memorial Day. Team members: Haitham Salman 47, Andy Hutzel 64 and Karl Augestad 52 faced players from 9 years to 70 years old in the Robo-Pong & Killerspin sponsored event benefiting the Rockford Boy's & Girl's club. A well organized event held at the Clock Tower Resort Tennis Facility with 32 Killerspin tables spread over 8 indoor tennis hard courts. Great lighting and space yet the humidity was unbelievable. Althought they provided an industrial supplemental air conditioning system piped in to the venue many of us were constantly toweling off.
The format of this team event is like the North American Team Championships held in Baltimore during Thanksgiving. Teams consist of 3 to 5 players in various divisions based on the top 3 players combined USATT Rating. With 36 teams there were 4 divisions of 9 teams. When competing against another team each team must choose 3 teammates to face the other team. In a round robin pool each team plays another in what is referred as a "TIE". Thus over 2 days we played all 8 opponents with one bye round. All singles matches these "ties" becomes a race to 5 wins out of the possible 9 matches. With only 3 members the Alaskans played in every round through out the tournament. Yet a 4 or 5 person team can rotate players for each of their "ties"allowing them to pick the 3 teammate to face off against each team. A specially designed ABC vs. XYZ match card presents a bit of a strategy. A coin toss chooses the winning captain to fill their choice of side in the roster. Then blindly the opposing team captain fills out the opposite side with their roster then reveal the head-to-head pairings. We chose to remain consist an by issuing Haitham the opportunity to play all of his matches first then allowing Andy & myself to pull out a pair of wins "assuming" out strongest player would handle his opponents.
The Alaskans were grouped in the lowest spot in the B division for the 2 round preliminary cross-overmatches starting at 9AM Saturday morning. With 9 in a division and seeded bottom of the B group we issued a bye in the first round not facing an A division team. But at 11AM we were paired against the top seeded C team. The umpire wanted us to start on the first set of tables after our opponant finished their early match up. Facing a bye in the first round may have been costly as the "Four Horsemen" chose their top 3 stallions against a cold Alaskan trio. Haitham started out strong and played up to his top rating. Karl and Andy were faced with pulling out a couple of wins against a divers team of experienced players. Karl played streaky with mentally challenged battles. Struggling in close match ups needing only one win to advance. Close yet came up but only won one match and lost 2. Andy faced players most above his rating but he relied in is crafty hardbat play to offer a diverse matchup. He was blanked 0-3. Thus the team match up was 4-5.
See the PRELIMINARY ROUNDS scores & matchups (click here)
America's Team PHOTOS (click here)
With the loss of the preliminary crossover matchup the AK Assassins were banished to the C division and were seeded 1st in a strong field of 9 teams. Right out of the gate on Saturday morning the Alaskans faced the "The White Eagles". Although they were seeded 9th at the bottom of the division, they came to play and send their strongest players at the Alaskans. Which included an UnRated player, with a huge backhand loop drive. A very unpredictable component that proved to one of the differences in the matchup. Again battling all 9 matches for nearly 2 hours. The Alaskans managed to comeback from down 4-2 to tie up at 4-4. Haitham held his own and swept 3-0 and Andy was 2-1 with a big win in the 8th matchup after coming back from 0-2 deficit. But Karl struggled in the 9th as he was up 2 games to zero. And then the "Mental" aspect of the sport came in to play. Feeling the pressure and playing conservatively relying on the opponents errors and a tentative backhand. Overall the Alaskan Assassins ended up 5-4 in team match play in the prelims and playoff round robin pool. Team Schnitzel won the C division with powerfull pressure and consistent play from Rajeev Sharma, Nicole Schmid and 9 year old fenom Michael Tran.
....MORE TO COME. Karl
Yukon prevails over Alaska in Table Tennis, Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
The 5th Annual Alaska Yukon Challenge took place in Whitehorse on May 11 & 12th 2012 with three Fairbanks players making the journey to represent Alaska in three international events: the Random Doubles, Open Team, and Open Singles. All three events are run on the handicapped system, which is based having the higher rated player start with a -1 point for every 50 points difference in the players rating.
On Friday evening, Stefan Krist, an UAF student from Austria, drew Ryan Bachli from the Yukon in the Random Doubles and finished 2nd. Diann Darnall, also from Fairbanks drew Canadian, Taras Yurkiv and finished in 4th place. Rick Robertson, from Fairbanks, finished 5th with his partner Kyle Gonder.
The main event was the Open Team. Teams play a Tie, which is a doubles match and two singles matches. The Team winning two of the matches wins the Tie.
The top two teams in each of the round robin groups moved on to the semi-finals. The Alaskan Team of Rick Robertson and Stefan Krist finished second in “Group A”. The International Team of Diann Darnall, of Fairbanks, and Myrna Bruns, swept “Group B” to move on. Both these teams met in the semi-finals, with Robertson & Krist sweeping all the matches sending them to the finals.
Meanwhile, the Canadians battled it out to see who would meet Robertson & Krist in the Finals. The highest rated team of Kevin Murphy and Ryan Bachli won the Tie over Mernoush Mahdvi and Kyle Gonder. Murphy and Bachli were also victorious in a tight battle over Robertson and Krist to take the coveted titled in the Open Teams. Robetson and Krist finished 2nd.
After losing the doubles match, Darnall and Bruns pulled out a stunning wins in each of the singles matches over Mahdvi and Gonder to capture third place.
In the Open Singles the Canadians went one, two, three. Kevin Murphy, defeated Ryan Bachli for first place, and Mehrnoush Mahdavi capturing third over Stefan Krist.
The Jerry Smith Spirit of the Game Award was awarded to Dave Stockdale of Whitehorse, Yukon. This Award started in 2009 is given in the memory of former Fairbanks Table Tennis Player, Jerry Smith. The Award recognizes players for Sportmanship, Fair Play, and Love of the Game. For more information on this award or to find out about Table Tennis in Fairbanks, check out
Information & Entry form (CLICK HERE)
The 2013 Alaska Yukon Challenge is scheduled to be held in Anchorage next spring.
Alaska Open Table Tennis Championships tournament has been POSTPONED until
Sat. Sept 29, 2012 Alaska Open Table Tennis Championships will held at AT&T Sports Pavilion in Anchorage. 14 various age & skill divisions in Singles & Doubles. Times: Sat. 8A-7PM. Men's Open Singles, Women's Open Singles, A, B, C & D skill level Singles, junior age groups 15 & under for male & female, Seniors 40 & over, Senior Esquires 50 & over Singles, Hardbat, Mixed Doubles, Open Doubles & B/C doubles. NON-Sanctioned. Contact Karl Augestad (907)360-4276 or email:
May 27-28, 2012 America's Team Championships, The "Alaskan Assassins Team" is traveling to Rockford, IL
"The Alaskan Assissins" team consisting of: Andy Hutzel, Haitham Salman and Karl Augestad will be participating in the America's Team Championships Memorial Day weekend in Rockford, IL. This Alaskan team 2nd Place in division 7 up in 2006 in the North American Teams in Baltimore, Maryland.
USATT Sanctioned tournaments require current memberhip to participate. Fees $25-$49 for one year membership. See USATT MEMBERSHIP for more details. For New or Renewal membershp help the Alaska Table Tennis by a small compensation by joining at an Alaska sponsored tournament. So help out the group. Membership benifits include: Players receive national rating based on results from competition, Table Tennis magizine subscription, entry to sanctioned tournaments through out the US, Decal, membership card . Join USATT at registration for each event or sign up at USATT.ORG Alaskans who sign up at the events contribute a small fee to Alaska Table Tennis courtousy of USATT.
2012 Alaska Hardbat Championships RESULTS Alan Hoover defended his title at the FITT Club hardbat tournament in Fairbanks, Alaska March 30-31, 2012. Various divisions in singles and doubles. Hardbat play in utilizing the classic scoring of games to 21 points best 2 of 3 games. Utilizing pimpled rubber rackets with rallies lasting longer, more chopping and flat pick hitting shots. Exciting action. Check out the great results and article at the FITT website. See detailed article here.
March 21, 2012 UAA Singles TTT results: 1) Sung "Jake" Pi 2) Matthew Cortez 3) Ryan Crow
Arctic Winter Games 2012 Results from Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. The Alaskan Table Tennis Team traveled by charter coach buses from Anchorage & Fairbanks. Team Alaska coaches were: Bill Cotton and Gretchen Wehmhoff.
CLICK ON THEIR NAME TO SEE THEIR AWG PROFILE: Team members were: Juvenile Femaies: Adrienne Lujan , Emilye Grace Williams Juvenile Male:Eli Neslund, Jimmy Gao, Junior Female: Katrina Brown, Saharra McKee, Junior Male: Andrew Kim and Robbie Vehmeier
Need some more PHOTOS from the AWG Table Tennis.
Jan. 24, 2012 UAA Singles Tournament Results: 16 students participated in the Winter Semester tournament at the UAA Student Union Hall. Four pools of 4 players competed in a round robin preliminary group on 4 tables. With the top 2 players in each pool advancing to a single elimination playoff.
Defending UAA singles champion Sung "Jake" Pi from the previous semester along with Jamie advanced from pool number one. Then Kyle Yan, Jason, Mike Mann, Ryan, Jacob Wingard and Delbert from the remaining pools also advanced to the quarter final playoffs. Head to head this group battled for the final four with Sung, Jacob, Ryan and Kyle prevailing.
1. Kyle Yan 2. Sung "Jake" Pi 3. Jacob Wingard 4. Ryan Crow
Next UAA tournament proposed in March 2012. Sponsored UAA Table Tennis club & the Student Union Info Desk. Two Butterfy tables & tournament equipment provided by Alaska Table Tennis.
Contact Mike Mann for more info: (907)440-6413, email:
The winner, Kyle Yan has now won this UAA Student Union Info Desk Tournament a record 6 times dating back to 2008. Check out this these flashback shots over the years. See more at UAA PAST TT TOURNEY PHOTOS
Arctic Winter Games & Single & Doubles Tournament, Nov. 12, 2011
A fun and exciting day of Tryout featuring the Arctic Winter Games Team Alaska Tryouts. 17 junior & juvenile male and females participated to capture the 8 spots representing Alaska in March 4-10, 2012 in Whitehorse Yukon, Canada. Players from Homer, Fairbanks, Juneau, Wasilla, Eagle River and Anchorage. Team Alaska Table Tennis coaches Bill Cotton and Gretchen Whemhoff provided information on the tryout process. Outlined expectations and experiences of what the athletes chosen would have on their international adventure.
Click here for Tournament Photos
Results: *Top 2 finishers in each male & female Juvenile and Juniors were selected for AWG Team Alaska
Juvenile Female 1. Emilye Williams (A)* 2. Zoe Vehmeier (A)* 3. Erin Sivitz
Juvenile Male 1. Jimmy Gao (H)* 2. Eli Neslund (A)*
Junior Female 1. Katrina Brown (A)* 2. Sahara McKee (A)*
Junior Male 1. Jackson Lehnhart (A)* 2. Patrick Walgren (A)* 3. Robert Vehmeier 4. Kuk Jae "Andrew" Kim (A) 5. Sam Klump 6. Doug Watts (A)
A Singles
1.Karl Augestad (A) 2. Todd Woodhouse (ER) 3. Kyle Yan (UAA) 4. Andy Hutzel (ER)
B Singles 1. Wade Wruck (W) 2.Gary Gao (H)
C Singles 1. Jimmy Gao (H) 2. Paul Harren (UAA) 3. Mike Mann (UAA) 4. Jacob Wingard (UAA)
A/B Doubles 1. Karl Augestad/Kyle Yan (A) 2.Andy Hutzel/Todd Woodhouse (ER)
C/D Doubles 1. Gary Gao/Jimmy Gao (H) 2. Jacob Wingard/Mike Mann (UAA)
J=Juneau, H=Homer, A=Anchorage, ER= Eagle River W=Wasilla UAA=Univ. of Alaska Anchorage
Wed. Nov. 9, 2011 from 2PM to 6PM, Student Union cafeteria just outside the Subway Sandwich in the large open area. 4 TT tables, Round Robin prelims and single elimination playoffs.
Results: (PHOTOS of UAA Tournament)
1. "Jake" Sung Pi
2. Jacob Wingard
3. Ryan Crow
Singles Finals Video: Jake vs. Jacob and 3rd Place match: Ryan vs. Mike
1. Jake Sung Pi/ Jamie Sten
2. Joshua Kwan/ Yongha Song
3. Ryan Crow/ Matt Cortez
3. Slava Teodorovich/ RomanBylkow20 players participated in the UAA Fall Table Tennis tournament held at the Student Union Hall. A wide range of players came out for the fall event with 4 tables in a well lit and spacious area in the Student Union hall. Food and drinks for the players provided by UAA Student Union Info Desk. Organized by the UAA Table Tennis Club and Student Union Info Desk. Tournament director was Mike Mann. Assistant from the Anchorage Table Tennis Club for the use of the Butterfly tables, nets, scoreboards and barriers. Look for another Singles tournament held later this semester.
Entry Deadline: Monday Nov. 8, 2011. As of Monday morning 16 players have entered.
Open to current UAA Students, Singles & Doubles events. Prizes and awards.
Sponsored by the UAA Table Tennis Club with help from the Anchorage Table Tennis club.
Tournament director and contact: Mike Mann: (907)440-6413 or email: