
The Arctic Rec Center, 4855 Arctic Blvd. in Anchorage

The Alaska Table Tennis Club meets weekly TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS (Note Days vary so see CALENDAR for updated schedule) at 7-9PM,cost is $12. (6-8 tables available) and hosts tournaments at

THE ARCTIC REC CENTER, 4855 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503.  

And as of June 2024, the THE Undergroung ihas now SUSPENDED meetings, due to roof damage at this location. (3) Tables. This locaton is a private location and welcome to players who submit a request via text message to

Paul Ferhnadez, (907)-two three zero 3 zero 0 two.  See Calendar for further information.

SEE the Calendar for full schedule, dates & times. AND 

contact: Karl Augestad (907) three six zero -forty two 76, email:  

(6 tables) lots of room, great lighting, high ceiling, beautiful wood floor, balls and rackets available for visitors. 


The Palmer Table Tennis Group,  Typically EVERY Friday 9AM-12PM and Sundays at 6-8:30pm, reserviation REQUIRED. Limited slots available.

Located across from the from the Alaska State Fair Grounds on the northside of the Glenn Highway.  Located approx mile post 40 on the Glenn Highway, off E Crimsonview Dr.   Please text or call Doug Hoffman at (907)84 one-76 one five  prior if you want to join them. Located approx mile post 40 on the Glenn Highway, off E Crimsonview Dr. (CALL OR TEXT FOR ADDRESS)


Fairbanks Interior Table Tennis FITT UAF Patty Center Gym & Woods Center.  Times and dates vary often Tues, Thurs and Sun.  Check here for current calendar.  Contact: Diann Darnall,

(6 tables) wood floor, great lighting, high ceiling gymnasium, quite, 



Juneau TT Club AEL & P Power Plant facility.  Contact Tim or Bob for directions & invitation to play.  See photos of Juneau TTC.  Contact: Tim McLeod,,  for more information  

(2 tables) cement floor, good lighting, warehouse space

(Juneau Status unknown as of March 2024) 

Eagle River:

No Meetings in Eagle River, Alaska as of March 2020.  TBD if new sessions will start again.    

Kenai and Soldotna:

Local recreation center on their racket ball court, Wednesdays 7-9PM.  Kenai/Soldotna is where Alaska's best sport fishing can be found in the Kenia River.  contact Ron Levy, or (907)252-6931.

(2 tables) more information pending



Local school location.  Arts, food, great people and the Halibut Fishing capital of the world.  Contact 

(6 tables)  news:


Phone numbers available on request.  Contact Karl Augestad,