Table Tennis Leagues suspended for "OPEN PLAY SEASONS" in 2022
FALL/WINTER 2022 Season #6
Oct 6 to Dec 8, 2022
Join us from 7 to 9PM
Held at the Arctic Rec Center, 4855 Arctic Blvd., Anch, AK 99503. Enjoy 8 sessions over a 2 month season. All skill levels welcome! Challeng Matches, round robin play and coaching available.
Full (10) session season for $105. Reservations limited to 12 players. Total nightly limit to 16 MAX TOTAL. Only $12. Walk-in. Subject to availability. If demand increases we will bump the 6 tables to 8 tables. Improve your game and meet new players.
Reservations accepted now, reference
VENMO: @karl-augestad or
CASH APP: $karlaugestad
Contact Karl Augestad at (907)360-4276 to secure your spot.
Women's Table Tennis League
Susan, Danette, Gretchen, Miss.., Mary, April Kris and Young.Women's League season 3, Sept-Nov. 2012.We are looking to buid an all Womens League again. Eight women participated in our 3rd season in 2012. Included (2) Alumni team members from Arctic Winter Games Team Alaska 1976!!!
All skill levels welcome to come out and join us. Created for the recreational & beginner player with emphasis on fun, exercise, skill development and competition. All ages welcome from youths to adult. Coached by Karl Augestad & members of the AKTTC.
So calling women and young girls who are interested in learning & developing table tennis skills. Please contact us if you are interested. New all womens league will explore the interests of the athletes yet each session will have a specific practice theme. Education about rackets, stokes, spin control and footwork.
Information call: Karl Augestad (907)360-4276, or
Check out FSTTL Season #1 PLAYERS PHOTOS
April 18th Session Round Robin Singles Lower attendance due to this Wednesday matchup. With 8 players present in a Big Round Robin was held with each match up a best 2 of 3 games. Actually broken in to 2 scoring pools A & B levels. In the A division issuing no mercy and rolling undefeated 7-0 was Karl Augestad not losing a game and issuing scores of at least one game 11-1 or 11-2 to each opponent. 2nd place and Frost Spin A division season leader, Chidi who was 6-1. Kyle Yan finished 3rd with Lucas Williams finished 4th. In the B Division a strong performance by Cade Loving ending up in 1st in a split win over 2nd place finisher Mark Weissler 11-6, 2-11, 11-7. Zack Williams finished 3rd with Jeremy Cooper ending up in 4th.
April 12th session of "ROTATION DOUBLES" was inspired by Frost Spin league member, Cade Loving. This session was won by pair of Lucas Williams and Andrew Kim with a 4-1 record beating in a head to head match up against second place pair of Mark Weissler and Kyle Yan with a 4-2 record. Pairing up players with top A players with the lower skilled players offered a fairly even mix of teams. Plus the new twist of serving to the "Add court" like in tennis. In addition to serving diagonal right to left as in normal doubles.
A new rotation of serve for each player will be on the 2nd serve to start on the LEFT SIDE and serve to right to left will be introduced for each server on the "odd" score. Like in TENNIS this is known as the "add" court.
Feedback was positive by most players. Suggested by a league player and has been considered by the ITTF. This new serve rotation will attempt to even the service return and service strength of each round. This will be the last unusual league session with a new variety of games & styles.
44 MM BIG BALL SESSION, April 5, 2012: Attended by 15 players. All adjustingbig Nitakku 44mm balls. Most had never seen the oversized ball and were having a bit of trouble adjusting. But then found the slower speed required more contact and force. Spin shots were amplified and flat hits seemed to help. Shorter trajectory with a higher net of almost 7 inches. Players used their own rackets but there are strick 44mm rules requiring players to use special thick sponge paddles. A fun night for all. Chidi and Karl met in the finals with Chidi taking the finals 3-1. Check out some Big Ball photos. And VIDEO on YOU TUBE of the Frost Spin Action! to the oversized
Table Tennis balls were switched from 38mm to 40mm by the ITTF in Oct. 2000. This slowed the game down a bit and made the ball a bit easier to see. See the interesting ITTF articles on speed and spin from the change in the 38mm-40mm ball. Although the 44mm is NOT an official ball for ITTF or USATT play it is poplular in Japan for senior 44mm ball leagues and beginners. FORUM post on the 44mm ball at Alex Table Tennis. Big ball doubles rally on You Tube.
HARD BAT SESSION March 29, 2012: Attended by 15 players, divided in to 4 pools of 4 players. All players were required to play with the classic hardbat pimmpled rackets of the early days. Not all had much experience lately with the sponge-less rackets. Less spin and more chopping. Top 2 advaced to single elimination playoffs. Semi-Finals matched Chidi vs. Kyle Yan with Klye prevailing 21-19 in the 3rd and the other semi-finals paired Corbin Sawyer vs. Karl Augestad. Good action with solid rallies, yet Karl's experience in hardbat battling to a 2-0 victory. Then in the finals with some crazy long rallies and careful play. Karl defeated Klye 21-17, 21-16 for the first HardBat Frost Spin League session.
SCHEDULED DATES: Feb. 2, 11, 23 Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 April 5, 12, 18, 26 (12 sessions, see details of the event for each night below with times of each.)
League location held at the AT&T Sports Pavilion. Session dates and times have changed due to scheduling conflicts at ATTSP. Look carefully at the play dates AND TIMES as they have now changed effective as of 1/13/12. (NEW PDF INFORMATION SHEET FOR PARTICIPANTS click here)
Are you interested? Lots of play. SEE SCHEDULE & FORMAT BELOW
Contact Karl Augestad NOW and get on the list. Competitive matches will vary from singles, doubles, handicap, team, random and skill groups. Email Karl at ASAP if you are interested.
Registration Cost for the 12 weeks of action will be $125 per participant.
6 SESSION SPECIAL @ $89. Choose any 6 session & subject to openings
Single session or Drop-In for $14. Limited availability & fees up to 2 sessions applied to full season value.
LIMITED TO 24 PLAYERS, Drop-in and 1/2 season special is limited to availability. Read application form for more details.
All players receive:
- Limited edition Alaska Table Tennis League T-shirt.
- Entry waiver for Tournament in 2012, limited to 1 event.
- Limited edition collectors Alaska Table Tennis Trading pin
- End of season Awards Party with games, food, drinks and fun. Early May 2012. Location TBD.
- 12 sessions of Table Tennis play. 2 hours each session. See Calendar on-line or printed schedule & rules. SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, please check AKTTC calendar for updates.
- Sessions in skill singles, random doubles, rated doubles, team, timed singles rounds, handicap and maybe hard bat.
Points awarded to players for each nights attendance and added points for top results. Added points for sportsmanship, volunteering, most improved, most losses, Awards include trophies & TT equipment prizes for top end of season finishers. Awards evening in early May.
Schedule & format of events: (subject to adjustment & change)
1) Thur. Feb. 2nd: 9P-11PM, Skill Evaluation RR matches See what your level is against other players in the league at the start of the season. Mid & End of season evaluation updates. Estimated Ratings for "leagues" established for each player. This rating will differ from USATT rating. All players receive points for participation. No added points for top finishers.
2) Sat. Feb 11th: 9AM -11AM, Skill Division Singles (Double points awarded to all who attend) Skill levels based on the first week results pooled in to A, B & C division singles round robin groups. Playoffs and cross overs if time permits.
3) Thur. Feb. 23rd: 7:30PM-9:30PM Random Doubles A level players will be paired with C level players to help even out the double pairs. Other players will be randomly drawn. Best 2 of 3 game matches. Single Elimination with conciliation division for first round losers.
4) Thur. Mar. 1st: 7-9PM, Handicap Singles Estimated ratings of players will off set their matches from the start. 2 or 3 Groups of players . Approximately for every 50 rating point spread difference between a top player and lower rated player. The top player starts at -1 point. Thus if a 1800 level player plays a 1200 player the spread is 600 points divided by 50 = 12. Thus the top player starts each game at -12 to zero. And must earn 12 points first to move into the + points. Games best of 3 to 11 points.
5) Thur. Mar. 8th: 7-9PM Round Robin skill division singles A, B & C divisions compete for points. Re-evaluation of skill placement based on results. Players may move up or down a division with bonus points awarded. IE: the lowest finisher in the B division may move down to C division or Top C player may move up to B division. Bonus points value TBD.
6) Thur. Mar. 15th: 7-9PM Team Event (Double Points) Player are grouped in 2 player teams. Top "A skill level" players can not pair up. Two groups of 6 Teams. 3 Groups based on combined league ratings of the two teammates. 3 rounds of Ties. Each winner and losing team advancing to 2nd and 3rd round. In team events when 2 teams compete this is called a "tie". Ties will be 3 matches consisting of 1 doubles match & 2 singles. Teams advance 2 or 3 rounds.
7) Thur. Mar. 22nd: 7-9PM Timed Singles Rotation Groups Two groups #1 & #2. Top players in #1 group. Each has 12 players using 4 tables numbers A to D. Top seeded players starts on table #D, lowest skill in group on A. Three players assigned to each table. Groups compete for a single game to 31 points for 7 minutes timed round. Switch ends when first player reaches 15 points. At the end of 7 minutes play stops and winner advance and loser sits out 1 round. If one player wins 2 consecutive matches then that player sits out 1 round. If unable to finish game then the top score advances. Winner stays on the table for up to 2 rounds then rotates out to sit out one round. 3 players on each table. After 3 or 4 rounds of play all groups will stop and evaluate results. If an individual player has won against both players then he/she moves up one table. IF more than one player has won against both player the person who scored the most point in their head-to-head match advances. A 3 way tie is broken with total points won vs point lost.
Thur. Mar. 29th: 7-9PM Hard Bat Singles Every one plays with hard bats. Singles and maybe doubles. We will provide the hardbats if you don't have one. Leave your sponge racket in your bag! Classic table tennis at it's finest. Should be fun, and there is the Alaska State Hardbat Championships in Fairbanks the next two days, March 30-31. Sponsored by the FITT club.
Thur. April 5th: 7-9PM Big Ball Day, the 44mm ball will be the feature item. Normal size is 40mm. This oversized ball will be slower and have an unusual bounce. The nets are higher too. Should be fun. When striking the ball it sounds cracked!
Thur. April 12th: 7-9PM Doubles Rotation. Players will be divided in to 4 skill groups, A, B+, B- and C. A & B+ players will be paired with B- & C players. After 2 rounds players will rotate partners. Lower skill level player on the team with the worst win-loss record after the 2 rounds will have first choice for a new partner. Then the 2nd lowest untill all the players have been rotated or adjusted. Hopefully 2-3 additional rounds will be played & points awarded for wins & loses. New serving rotation too. Serving both Left to Right AND Right to Left in each service rotation, like tennis! Should be interesting. (Double Points)
Wed. April 18th: 7-9PM Round Robin Skill Division Singles. A, B & C divisions compete for points. Final skill placement based on results. Players may move up or down a division with bonus points awarded. An overall raking from 1st to last will result. Voting by participants for the league player who has shown the most improvemented over the season. Additional voting by participants for best sportsmanship, volunteering and player .
Thur. April 26th: 7-9PM (SPECIAL SURPRISE: To Be Announced)
May 2012 Awards Party. Games, Food, Drinks & Fun. The location & time To Be Determined. "Mini-Pong" Table games, Awards for: Most Improved, Sportsmanship, Volunteering and Top Point Finishers in A, B & C division.
12 sessions, Points awarded for each attended session. Added points for place in each event for 1st to last. Three skill groups for singles, An estimated "League rating number assigned at the beginning of the season. 300-2000 roughly. Used to help split groups, pair random doubles, match teams and skill singles.
PROPOSED FORMAT: RECORDING OF DAILY GAME SCORES IS VERY IMPORTANT. Accurate record of the points scored in each game of every match may determine points awarded to player for each session.
Each week a different type of competition in the league sessions. This allows variety and all levels of players to get points. Players will be assigned an A, B, C or D skill level at the beginning of the season. Everyone who attends that night will receive 20 points just for attending and playing. Then your results that night will add points for 1st to 8th place in each skill division. Points will range from 50 to 15 points for placing.
One week it will be standard Round Robin matches with groups of 4 players in A, B & C Skill divisions. The top player will receive points for 1st, 2nd 3rd & 4th in each pool. Then cross over matches for each pool for an additional one or two rounds.
Another week we will assign a handicap to each player for each 50 rating point estimate in a head to head match. Used in the Alaska-Yukon Challenge this helps level the field when a lower rated player competes against a top player. The lower rated player will start at "zero" and the higher rated player may start at -1 up to -9 points below "zero". Thus the race is on to 11 points in a game. The higher rated player will need to score points to get out of the "minus" points to get to 11 points and the game before his opponent. These games take longer and may be subject to a time limitation.
Team event will feature players pairing up and playing 2 rounds of team matches of singles & doubles. Top players will be pair will lower rated players to help even the field. Points awarded to both individual and team results.
Timed Rounds will feature multiple 7 minute rounds of rotating ladder play. Attempt to be a single 31 point game with match ending at 7 minutes and who ever is ahead at that point wins the match. Due to player limits some players will sit out one round then re-enter group to continue in the ladder rotation.